On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 07:48 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:

I've updated the class in line with commons standards/documentation etc.

Much appreciated!

I've also changed the way the Mutator works - see what you think, it seems
cleaner/quicker I think.

Also a lot less flexible. Mutator is also used in the CompositeSet and CompositeList (as yet unposted as they are broken by the changes to Collection and I haven't had a chance to update them(and they are not yet complete implementations -- only the methods I have needed)) and will be in CompositeMap (am looking forward to figuring a nice way to do conflict resolution on the Map impl for duplicate keys -- default will probably be to throw an exception when a get() is made on a dup but will be able to plug it so you can handle however you want)).

I prefer the more fine-grained control of setting them per method. Your change it a wee bit quicker to type (probably only four lines for the implementor) but significantly reduces the reusability of the Mutator interface.

The test case still needs looking at as it doesn't extend the collections

No problem -- It is set up as just a plain JUnit test.

Your thoughts, time, and commentary is much appreciated!


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