I'll take a guess.

In the log message, you can tell that it didn't like your CVSROOT. It looks like you checked out the code using the extssh method in Eclipse? I believe that this is an Eclipse-only connect method, and command line CVS tools don't like it. Perhaps StatCvs doesn't detect this problem very well and bombs via NullPointerException.

For a quick fix, you can either check out using the :ext: method and tunnel through ssh, or just comment out the statcvs report in your project.xml when doing local builds.

Hope this helps.

Gary Gregory wrote:

I've been using Maven to build [codec] locally. All goes well except this
one goal:

    [echo] fetching cvs logs...
    [cvs] cvs log: Unknown method (`extssh') in CVSROOT.
    [cvs] cvs [log aborted]: Bad CVSROOT:
`:extssh:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs'.
    [mkdir] Created dir:
    [mkdir] Created dir:
    [java] StatCvs-XML - CVS statistics generation
    [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
    [java]      at net.sf.statcvs.Main.getModuleName(Main.java:193)
    [java]      at net.sf.statcvs.Main.run(Main.java:159)
    [java]      at net.sf.statcvs.Main.main(Main.java:78)
    [java] null
    [java] [ERROR] Java Result: 1

Any tips?


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