If everything were mavenized couldn't we use the multiproject plugin to render the entire commons sandbox on its own? Default settings would render at least a "html" shell for those projects that don't have a project.xml. Or simply maintain that all sandbox components should maintain a project.xml and someone insert a default one in each project that doesn't have one?


Noel J. Bergman wrote:
there is precedent, albeit comatose, in the sandbox 'filters'
and 'servlet' components.

Yet another set of components that are not on the Jakarta Commons
web page (http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/).  Did it never occur
to anyone that projects might be comotose because no one knows
about them?  I, for one, have code that could have gone in there,
but I didn't know it existed.

Can we agree on how to handle these projects?  Every project in the CVS
ought to have a web presence.  If there isn't anyting particularly useful
(no one created web content), then we should at least list it with a URL to
its CVS presence.  I think we discussed this before, but no one effected a

--- Noel

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