Dear CLI Developers,

Are you receptive to contributions from non-committers?  For example:

If one sent a patch to add some minor improvement, could it conceivably get
into CVS soon?  (Assuming it's a real improvement.)  What baseline would you
prefer, for such a patch?  jakarta-commons/cli or
jakarta-commons-sandbox/cli/src/java/org/apache/commons/cli2?  Some branch
or MAIN?  Should one send it via this mailing list, or bugzilla?

If one had an idea for new stuff (not closely connected to the fine work
you're doing now), would you entertain a proposal?  (I have some such ideas,
I confess.)  Do you want to review rough ideas?  Not be bothered until a
working prototype is available?

It appears (from skimming jakarta-commons-sandbox/cli) you're in the middle
of a big rewrite; perhaps you don't have time for this sort of thing.

- John Kristian

P.S. If the answers are already in a FAQ somewhere, please tell me where.

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