On 14 Nov 2003, at 04:28, Brent Worden wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Steitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 12:53 AM
Subject: [math] re: move to Apache Commons


I think that it is to accommodate
the framework and non-Java development ideas that Robert is recommending
the move to Apache Commons. I agree with him.

Any non-Java work definitely does not belong in Jakarta, Commons or elsewhere.

allowing non-java code isn't the reason why i'm recommending the move. moving the apache commons would allow greater freedom than we can realistically allow here.

i'm against spinning off any more mailing lists from here. a single mailing list has proved very good at creating a single community (and prevents concerns about the quality of supervision). that the math community seeks a separate mailing list for is (IMHO) a sign that math is ready to move on.

the jakarta-commons has a set of goals and rules. if math remains here, it would need to stay focussed on it's original charter. this means a single, lightweight component. yes, new related components could be developed but the process here is (by necessity) quite a long one.

in apache commons, the math group could work on a collection of different products. one might be a more developed framework. another might be a lightweight business component (as the proposal originally specified). we might also consider continuing development of mathematical projects started elsewhere but which have run into difficulties (but we should ask for the support of the original authors first, of course - ideally, they would come on board as committers). there are a lot of possibilities which open up more easily there than here.

the links from jakarta (and from the jakarta commons) would be retained.

- robert

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