How about something like:


XML Schema:

XML Schema docs:

The XML could in turn be turned in HTML by a Maven doo-dad.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Steitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 20:34
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: [lang][codec] Sanity checking a client project build
> John Keyes wrote:
> >
> > On 21 Nov 2003, at 18:49, __matthewHawthorne wrote:
> >
> >> I agree with the idea about testing all Java versions.  Testing all
> >> platforms is important too.  In theory, it seems like we need some
> >> type of text matrix, in which we identify all platforms and JREs that
> >> the software has been tested on.
> >>
> >> Something like:
> >>
> >>      1.2    1.3    1.4
> >> Solaris   x
> >> Linux     x      x       x
> >> Windows          x
> >> BSD       x      x
> >> Mac OSX          x       x
> >>
> >> Even if we are not able to access every version on every platform, it
> >> would be nice to see this information.  Users who have access to an
> >> untested platform could volunteer to run the tests and submit the
> >> results.
> >>
> >> Is this overkill?
> >
> >
> > Well I think we should document what we've tested it on.  As Jakarta
> > is geared towards server side software this is a great idea.
> I agree. We actually went through some of this fun in the run up to lang
> 2.0.  I tested using Sun's Linux JDKs 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 and IIRC, Stephen
>   or Henri ran tests on Windoz.  I can't remember exactly which versions
> and what we had to do to get some of the tests to run under the pre-1.4
> JDKs.  We probably should document this and include a statement in the
> release notes.
> The same comments hold true for performance tests.  I have been planning
> for some time to set up some performance tests for lang, similar to what
> Craig did for BeanUtils. Any volunteers to help with this?  We could
> gather and publish the test results, along with the platform
> compatablity tests on the lang web site.  I will eventually get to this,
> but I am a bit time constrained at the moment.
> Phil
> >
> > -John K
> >
> >
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