I haven't been able to work on [io] for awhile. The last thing I was doing was looking at the Clover report and trying to improve the test coverage. For example. EndianUtils is a class that has 0 tests -- but I didn't have a good enough understanding of it to write any.

The "tasks" page contains the same TODO list as the STATUS.html file. I think these items are all still accurate.

FileUtils contains a lot of deprecated methods that need to be removed. The plans were to create a FilenameUtils class that contained a lot of similar methods to FileUtils, but took a String as a parameter instead of a java.io.File. Then there may be implementations behind the scenes for URLs, local or remote files.

Henri Yandell wrote:
Clover's already on the IO site :) Idiot me.


On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Henri Yandell wrote:

Just in case it's of use, I knocked out a clover report for IO. Have
recently reinstalled the machine, so the commons licence for clover is not



On Sun, 23 Nov 2003, Henri Yandell wrote:

Jeremias et al,

Just wanted to ask what the current plan was for Commons IO. Do you have a
todo list anywhere that you're working from?

Is there anywhere I can help?


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