dirkv       2003/12/02 13:07:56

  Added:       compress/xdocs downloads.xml index.xml navigation.xml
  compress website
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/compress/xdocs/downloads.xml
  Index: downloads.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Commons Documentation Team</author>
        <revision>$Id: downloads.xml,v 1.1 2003/12/02 21:07:56 dirkv Exp $</revision>
        <section name="Releases">
           <p>There are no releases available.</p>
           <p>The following releases are available:</p>
             <li>Version 1.1 - 20 October 2003</li>
             <li>Version 1.0 - 12 August 2002</li>
              The latest binary release is always available on the 
              <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi#commons-compress";>
              Jakarta Binary Downloads page</a>,
              its source is available from 
              Jakarta Source Downloads page</a>.
              Older releases are retained by the Apache Software Foundation but are 
              moved into a
              <a href="http://archive.apache.org/dist/jakarta/commons/compress/";>
              special archive area</a>.
             Nightly source and binary drops</a> are also available.
              Access to the source tree to see the latest and greatest code is possible
              through <a href="cvs-usage.html">anonymous CVS access</a>.
        <section name="Release Candidate">
              Release candidates for the upcoming 1.1 release can be downloaded 
              <a href="http://cvs.apache.org/~dirkv/builds/";>here</a>.
              Please review and report any problem on the 
              <a href="mail-lists.html">mailing list</a>.
              Final release target is 20 October 2003. 
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/compress/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Commons Documentation Team</author>
  <section name="The Compress Component">
  <p>Commons Compress defines an API for working with tar, zip and bzip2 files.</p>
  <p>The code in this component came from Avalon's Excalibur, but originally from Ant,
  as far as life in Apache goes. The tar package is originally Tim Endres' public
  domain package. The bzip2 package is based on the work done by Keiron Liddle.
  <p>the migration has been:</p>
  <p>Ant -> Avalon-Excalibur -> Commons-IO -> Commons-Compress.</p>
  <section name="Releases">
         See the <a href="downloads.html">downloads</a> page for information on 
obtaining releases.
  <section name="Documentation">
       The <a href="apidocs/index.html">JavaDoc API documents</a> are available online.
    <p>There are also 2 example for the bzip2 API:</p>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/compress/xdocs/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE org.apache.commons.menus SYSTEM 
  <project name="Commons Compress">
      <title>Commons Compress</title>
          <menu name="Commons&#xA0;Compress">
              <item name="Overview"                      href="/index.html" />
  <!--            <item name="Configuration"                 
href="/configuration.html" /> -->
              <item name="API&#xA0;Documentation"        href="/apidocs/index.html"/>
              <item name="Developers&#xA0;Guide"         href="/guide/index.html" 
                  <item name="Class&#xA0;Diagrams"       
                  <item name="Sequence&#xA0;Diagrams"    
              <item name="Downloads"                     href="/downloads.html"/>

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