> --- Hernan Silberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm working on an application that uses "Named Queries" much like the 
> > DBUtils QueryLoader class reads in from a Java properties file.  The
> > queries in 
> > my application are stored in a relational database on the server side
> > and I was 
> > hoping I could extend QueryLoader so it fetched the NAME/SQL pairs in an
> > 
> > application-specific way, something like this:
> > 
> > public synchronized Map load(DataSource aDS) throws IOException;
> > public synchronized void unload(DataSource aDS);
> > 
> > I'm new to DBUtils, and figured I'd ask before trying to extend this
> > class in my 
> > code to accomodate something like the two methods above.  Is this a sane
> > thing 
> > to do?  I won't get exactly what I want by extending this class, because
> > I don't 
> > need the properties file versions of load and unload.  Should I just
> > create an 
> > alternate app-specific QueryLoader, or am I not seeing a better way of 
> > leveraging the existing QueryLoader class?
> QueryLoader isn't used by other DbUtils classes; it's just a standalone
> helper class that loads queries from properties files.  So, you won't gain
> anything by subclassing it and replacing it with a DB lookup.
> David

Thanks for the response.  Keeping a registry of named queries seems like a 
common thing to do and I see lots of utility in having a helper class like 
QueryLoader to do it with.  I was hoping I could easily change QueryLoader's 
behavior so it would look for it's name/query mapping somewhere other than a 
properties file, but alas, it's such a simple problem it's no big deal to handle 
this in my own code with another class.

On another note isn't it risky to return a reference to queryMap below without 
first wrapping it in Collections.unmodifiableMap( queryMap ) ?  I lack trust.

public synchronized Map load(String path) throws IOException {
    Map queryMap = (Map) this.queries.get(path);
    if (queryMap == null) {
        queryMap = this.loadQueries(path);
        this.queries.put(path, queryMap);
    return queryMap;


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