Hi Ernesto!

I am not sure I do understand what it means to invoke a function of a tag-library at least in Jelly. From what I understood from the first answer to your question, it looks like straight invocation would do.

How about the following ?
<j:jelly xmlns:c="jelly:core">
  <j:new className="jelly.FooTagLibrary: var="instance"/>

TagLibraries in Jelly are instantiated objects which are closer to "tag-factories"... so it's kind of not compatible to your usage. But there's large freedom in creating and manipulating object, always being possible to output some XML content through SAX events.


Reinaldo Barreiro, E. wrote:
I hope this is the correct list to send this e-mail.

I have installed Jelly and perused a bit the source code and documentation. I'm planning to use it for one of our projects... Well the question I want to ask is:

Is it possible to define your own functions on a Jelly tag library (the same way it is possible on JSP 2.0)? Like in:

<j:jelly xmlns:c="jelly:core" xmlns:foo="jelly:FooTagLibrary">
<c:if test="${foo:myfunction(param.value)}">
</c:if> </j:jelly>

In my view that is a very powerfull feature of JSP 2.0. and it would be nice to have it in Jelly. My apologies to the developers if the feature is already there and I didn't mangage to find how to use it.

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