scolebourne    2003/12/05 14:19:42

  Added:       events   PROPOSAL.html
  Initial checkin
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/events/PROPOSAL.html
  Index: PROPOSAL.html
  <title>Proposal for Events Package</title>
  <body bgcolor="white">
  <div align="center">
  <h1>Proposal for <em>Events</em> Package</h1>
  <h3>(0) Rationale</h3>
  The Java JDK provides a design framework for events to observe change.
  There is relatively little support for classes to actually fire these events.
  This is most noticable in the Java Collections Framework where there is no
  standard mechanism to listen for changes to a collection.
  A Commons package to support event classes as an extension to the JDK
  would be a useful addition to many projects.
  <h3>(1) Scope of the Package</h3>
  The package will create and maintain a set of classes that fire events, and
  a set of classes that handle and manage the events. These will be designed to
  work closely with existing JDK APIs and be distributed under the ASF license.
  <h3>(1.5) Interaction With Other Packages</h3>
  <p><em>Events</em> relies on commons-collections and the standard JDK 1.2
  (or later) APIs for production deployment.  It utilizes the JUnit unit testing
  framework for developing and executing unit tests, but this is of interest only
  to developers of the component.
  No external configuration files are utilized.
  <h3>(2) Initial Source of the Package</h3>
  The initial codebase was originally located in the commons-collections project.
  It has been separated to enable it to grow independently.
  The proposed package name for the new component is
  <h3>(3)  Required Jakarta-Commons Resources</h3>
  <li>CVS Repository - New directory <code>events</code> in the
      <code>jakarta-commons-sandbox</code> CVS repository. All initial committers
      are already committers on <code>jakarta-commons-sandbox</code>, so no
      additional user setups are required.</li>
  <li>Mailing List - Discussions will take place on the general
      <em>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</em> mailing list.  To help
      list subscribers identify messages of interest, it is suggested that
      the message subject of messages about this component be prefixed with
  <li>Bugzilla - New component "Events" under the "Commons" product
      category, with appropriate version identifiers as needed.</li>
  <li>Jyve FAQ - New category "commons-events" (when available).
  <h3>(4) Initial Committers</h3>
  <li>Stephen Colebourne</li>
  <li>Neil O'Toole</li>

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