There were 2 problems, the <targetPath> in the resource copy wasn't taken into account and somehow cactus.home.tomcat4x was added to the javadoc tag.

-- Dirk

Eric Pugh wrote:

Okay, I tried the 'ant dist' target on my box, and of course it worked fine.
I suspect b/c I am on windows...  Looking at the error, I'm guessing that it
is some sort of parsing the path that is different between Windows and

Would it be too much of a pain for you to run the maven build and let me
know if the path fails there as well?  I'm not much of an expert on the
differences between windows and linux unfortunantly when it comes to these
path resolutions...

At least if it fails in Maven and Ant then we know it isn't something funky
with how the build.xml file gets generated.

Any other configuration developers have ideas?  Or have linux and can try


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