ggregory    2003/12/09 15:32:19

  Added:       codec    RELEASE-NOTES-1.2.txt
  Save the 1.2 release notes as a stand-alone document to make room for edits in the 
in-progress "RELEASE-NOTES.txt".
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/codec/RELEASE-NOTES-1.2.txt
  Index: RELEASE-NOTES-1.2.txt
  $Id: RELEASE-NOTES-1.2.txt,v 1.1 2003/12/09 23:32:19 ggregory Exp $
                        Commons Codec Package
                            Version 1.2
                            Release Notes
  This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
  Codec package, and highlights changes since the previous version.  Version
  1.2 contains bug fixes for the 1.1 release.
  * URLCodec - Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme
  * DigestUtils - Simple utility class that provides static convenience
    methods for calculating md5 and hex digests.
  * Fix for Bug 19860: Modified Base64 to remedy non-compliance with RFC
    2045.  Non-Base64 characters were not being discarded during the
    decode.  RFC 2045 explicitly states that all characters outside of the
    base64 alphabet are to be ignored.  
  * Fix for Bug 24360: Hex.decode(Object) throws a ClassCastException 
    when a String argument is passed in.
  * Fix for Bug 24471: Soundex: The HW rule is not applied; hyphens and 
    apostrophes are not ignored.
  * Fix for Bug 24484: Soundex.setMaxLength causes bugs and is not needed.
    Calling Soundex.setMaxLength() with a value of 2 or less causes the wrong
    answer to be returned.  Since the encoding returned by Soundex is always
    of length 4 by definition (we do not use the '-' in as a letter-nnn 
    separator) the need for a maxLength attribute is not needed.  Deprecate 
    the field and accessor methods.
  * Fix in Metaphone relating to the handling of the maximum code length.

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