I don't like the name StringBuf. I just don't see it as descriptive enough.

MutableString is ok. I like CharGroup also.

If it's meant to be an improved replacement for StringBuffer, I always prefer names like StringBuffer2 or StringBufferX. I guess they can be considered a bit ugly -- but at least they're generally understandable.

Stephen Colebourne wrote:
I remembered my favorite name - StringBuf. Its always nice if the class
appears in Eclipse next to the one its replacing :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ash .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sounds good, I will then work on a StringBuffer replacement, and then
later on get on to providing it with an XUtils.

That way, we will also be able to optimize the subsequent


implementation using package-private access.
I have always been a little disappointed with the facilities
offered, and now I have a chance to do something abt it :)

And now for the name game: I propose MutableString.

Other possible name suggestions, some quite fancy, would be:

Strand, CharStrand
Bead, CharBead,
CharGroup, CharBunch,
CharLot, StringLot....

I find Strand especially useful because that lets us talk about a mutable
string in a conceptually distinct manner. Of course, its replacive role is
not immediate obvious by the name, and some might suggest that it is


that the new name reflects its surrogate nature wrt StringBuffer. However,


new coin may be useful in the long term. Just my 2 cents.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 22:15
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [lang] StringBufferUtils replacement for StringUtils --

Ah, I see what you mean. And no that wasn't what I meant :-)

There is the potential for a StringBufferUtils, with similar methods to
StringUtils, but where the first passed in parameter is a StringBuffer.

However, what I was thinking of (see the todo list in status.html) is a


instantiable class

public AStringBuffer() {
 private char[] buffer = new char[32];
 private int size = 0;

 public AStringBuffer() {
 public void append(Object obj) {
   // copy to end of buffer

ie. a direct StringBuffer replacement.

Both are good candidates for [lang].


----- Original Message -----

With the one difference that the methods here don't return aything,


instead modify the StringBuffer
passed in, directly.
I will start work on it tonight.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 20:07
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [lang] String Utils replacement for StringUtils -- was
([lang] StringUtils.split() functionality wrt separator repeats)

The string buffer class needs to begin by having all the same methods as StringBuffer, and they should do exactly the same. Then, methods to handle null would be added: appendSilentNull()

At that point, we could evaluate it and see what else should be



----- Original Message ----- From: "ASHWIN Suresh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Incidentally (or perhaps it was to come), I was about to

send out another

proposing a StringUtils-like class that handles

StringBuffer instead.

I would be interested in writing it, but I need to evaluate

how much time I

can afford
to it (will let u know).

In the meanwhile, assuming I can go ahead, you can list out

right away what

you see between StringUtils and the StringBuffer

counterpart. I can, for

now, perhaps cover the
simpler methods which are similar to the StringUtils ones.

Regarding tightening admissibility of new methods to a

class because it is

large, I
am of the opinion that for a class of only static methods

such as this one,

why should there be any hesitation. StringUtils is but a

repository of all

features, so as long as we have clear documentation, I see

no reason why

should lead to limits to having more methods.
Let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 22:05
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [lang] StringUtils.split() functionality wrt



With StringUtils, we now face tough decisions. The class is already very large, and adding more and more methods is not necessarily the answer. I am now applying a fairly high level of justification to new

additions to

StringUtils. ATM more split methods or overloads don't meet
what I'm looking

That said, there are still some misisng methods in
StringUtils, notably
startsWith, endsWith and concat/append. (all null-safe).

In addition, a StringBuffer replacement needs writing, if
you're interested



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