Aha, Scott Howlett pointed us to an existing bug that
descibes this issue and includes a patch!  It looks
good to me, so I'm applying it now.

- Morgan

--- Morgan Delagrange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> We recently discovered a pretty serious memory
> inefficiency in Jelly.  Although it's not listed in
> the Jelly issue tracker, there is a reference to it
> elsewhere
>  Basically Jelly uses ThreadLocal variables as a
> performance optimization in two places: once in the
> base TagScript class to allow thread-safety for
> Script
> instances and once in the JellyContext class to
> cache
> XML parser instances.
> The problem is that in environments using thread
> pooling (e.g. Tomcat), the ongoing demands on memory
> are considerable; basically many of the tags you
> create is stored in memory in perpetuity for each
> thread in the pool.  Since the thread is never
> garbage-collected, the tags stick around too.  This
> can easily lead to an out-of-memory condition.
> Looking at the code (which admittedly I do not 100%
> understand), I don't see a good way to stop using
> ThreadLocal variables without breaking thread-safety
> for Script objects.  This is not good.  However,
> eating up all the JVM's memory is also not ideal.  I
> will enter this as a bug, but this is the kind of
> problem that needs to be addressed sooner rather
> than
> later.
> - Morgan
> =====
> Morgan Delagrange
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons
> http://axion.tigris.org
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Morgan Delagrange

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