On 30.12.2003 17:01:24 Henri Yandell wrote:
> Agreed. If no one has the itch, we should shelve it.
> I would just list it as: Not going for 1.0 and we wouldn't include it in
> the 1.0 tag. It can stay in its current place in CVS I think. We got away
> with this a lot in Lang, having packages that didn't deploy even though
> they were in HEAD etc.

I like putting new stuff into a sandbox directory until it is ready.
Leaving it where it is means that the person applying the CVS tag must
be pretty careful. Just an observation, not a proposal.

> Are there any methods in there that are worth pushing? Or just skip the
> whole thing for 1.0 and when someone turns up with the itch we can hit
> them with all the difficulties and as a group solve them?

IMO we can skip the whole thing. But checking FilenameUtils and
FileUtils I realize we don't have any methods in FileUtils that do
extension handling (getExtension, removeExtension). 

The only problem I see is people who might use methods from
FilenameUtils today. But that should motivate them to step in. :-)

Jeremias Maerki

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