If I understand correctly the struct and the fact that its SqlServer on
Intel P4 means I'm seeing little endian first in the DWORD and WORD fields?
That makes the pattern intelligible:
Type    Field   HexOctet
DWORD   Data1 - [lsb0][lsb1][msb0][msb1]
WORD    Data2 - [lsb][msb]
WORD    Data3 - [lsb][msb]
BYTE    Data4[8] - just bytes

I'm not sure what this should mean to o.a.c.id.uuid.UUID...since the UUID
implementation I've worked out uses BigInteger to store the 128-bits, and I
also allow a constructor from a BigInteger. I felt systems that wish to
store the byte value and not the char value could benefit. (For example, to
store in db2 I would use a the 16 byte value not the 36 byte string
representation.) The IETF Draft spec says the 128 bit object should be
composed of the various fields in network byte order, so it seems the
numeric value returned from ms-sql is system specific? and the a.o.c.id.uuid
implementation is ok by the spec?
I'm going off of:
(Section: 4.1.2 Layout and byte order)

I'm wondering if someone might try to construct an o.a.c.id.UUID from the
hexidecimal value they pulled from MS-SQL? It may be a long shot, but
perhaps a note in the documentation is needed?
          String fromMSSQL = "0904F0B4F8CE2248802CDEB20704C365";
          BigInteger bInt = new BigInteger(fromMSSQL, 16);
          UUID myUUID = new UUID(bInt);
        and Not B4F00409-CEF8-4822-802C-DEB20704C365
and would not produce the same GUID from ms-sql to o.a.c.id.uuid.UUID
because the hexidecimal representation from ms-sql is this way. Another
option might be a new method

Any thoughts?

PS> Thanks Martin... I would not have figured out that out.

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