
Phil Steitz wrote:

> Thinking about how this will eventually work, it has occurred to me that 
> EmpiricalDistribution could be used to digest / represent bootstrap 
> distributions.  Since we want the interface for EmpiricalDistribution to 
> be complete for 1.0, we need to make sure that bootstrap data can be 
> loaded into EmpiricalDistribution conveniently (if this makes sense), so I 
> have been thinking about adding load() methods to EmpiricalDistribution 
> that take double[] arrays and streams as values, as well as an addValue() 
> method.  Does this make sense?  I would also appreciate any comments / 
> patches on how to improve the EmpiricalDistribution interface or 
> EmpiricalDistributionImpl.  If refactoring or even holding this from the 
> release are in order, I want to make sure that we do it.

As I understand load(double[][]) would compute Empirical Distribution
Function for every bootstraped sample (provided from some other source).
Then, instead of having 

SummaryStatistics sampleStats

we should provide 

SummaryStatistics[] sampleStats

where this array would contain SummaryStatistics calculated
for every sample.  SummaryStatistics getSampleStats() would
be changed as well.

Similarly other methods/objects in EmpiricalDistribution  
would have to be modified (e.g. binStats would have to be 
an array of ArrayLists, etc.).

Do I get your intentions right?

The zeroth row of every matrix could be reserved for original
sample and the rest for bootstrapped results (if they can be
calculated, i.e. samples are given). This can be achieved but
some effort has to be made to make it simple to use for those,
who does not care about bootstrap and want to get results
based only on the original sample. 

The other thing is that such an extension would be very
usefull as long as we play with such bootstrap algorithms,
which use those statistics which are memebers of SummaryStatistics.

Often this is not the case (classic example is Median or Trimmed Mean,
which is not among SummaryStatistics). Sometimes it is also
necessary (or more comfortable) to operate on the raw bootstrap
samples, not EDF calculated from those samples. In this two
cases bootstrap embeded into EmpiricalDistribution would not
be that useful.

Two comments concerning EmpiricalDistribution 
1. Probably it would be nice to have load(double[]) method
2. Instead of
   ArrayList getBinStats();
there could be 
   List getBinStats();

although I can't imagine practical situation, where other List then
ArrayList would be better.


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