On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> On 4 Feb 2004, at 17:51, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> > robert burrell donkin wrote:
> <snip>
> >> if you have any further concerns relating to possible ASF claims may
> >> i politely suggest that you take them to a more appropriate forums
> >> where those with authority to speak for the ASF will be able to
> >> provide goods answer.
> >
> > What mailing list could be contacted to address this concern?
> license at apache dot org is ASF wide (and contains - or contained -
> some very big guns).

I sent a message to license@ a couple of days ago, suggesting that a
message about usage, sent to all committers, might be appropriate, given
the amount of discussion I'm seeing on so many lists. I have not had any
response so far, though. Maybe they're holed up somewhere, wordsmithing
something to guide us all. ;-)

Martin Cooper

> or possibly if you want to raise this with the jakarta pmc then either
> direct to pmc at jakarta dot apache dot org (for private discussions)
> or general at jakarta dot apache dot org (allowing public discussion).
> it's nothing personal but the jakarta commons team simple don't have
> the authority to decide legal matters such as these. it's very
> important that all matters such as these are raised with the ASF
> officers (or at the very least with ASF committees that have legal
> standing).
> - robert
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