On 29 Jan 2004, at 07:28, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:


Before a real 1.0 release I would really like to see a JDBC based implementation
added, but that doesn't need to be a gating factor for promotion to commons
proper (especially if I don't have time to work on it, although it's becoming
possible that I might :-).

after quite a deal of (fairly) bitter experience, i'd probably advocate that commons should release just after promotion - but this doesn't have to be a conclusive 1.0 release. my reasoning is that there is a significant minority of commercial users who do not require forwards compatibility but who do require a full - rather than beta or alpha release - before they can use it.

so, i'd like to see a 0.x release upon promotion followed by a pause for consideration whilst a full 1.0 release (with promises of compatibility) is created.

- robert

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