My gut feeling is that this is an unusual case. Certainly, adding javadoc to
say that the values are set when the class is class loaded is a good idea.

Extra set/get methods are troublesome though, and I don't really want to
expose more constants for the extra keys.

Do people really change these values? (other than in tests, which kinda
don't count...)


From: "Gary Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Context: I am writing some unit tests for our product that require system
> properties (like java.ext.dirs) to be temporarily fiddled with. Now my
> looks like this:
>     public void testJavaExtDirDoesNotExist() {
>         String saveJavaExtDirs = SystemUtils.JAVA_EXT_DIRS;
>         try {
>             String testJavaExtDirs = "...";
>             System.setProperty("java.ext.dirs", testJavaExtDirs);
>             // The real test starts here...
>         } finally {
>             System.setProperty("java.ext.dirs", saveJavaExtDirs);
>         }
>     }
> Issue #1: Add SystemUtils.setX?
> --------
> Instead of:
> System.setProperty("java.ext.dirs", testJavaExtDirs);
> I wonder if this would be better:
> SystemUtils.setJavaExtDirs(testJavaExtDirs);
> Seems nicer, yes?
> Issue #2: SystemUtils out of sync.
> --------
> As soon you do:
> System.setProperty("java.ext.dirs", testJavaExtDirs);
> Then SystemUtils.JAVA_EXT_DIRS lies.
> Proposal 2a:
> At least, the Javadoc has to be updated to something nasty like: "The
> of this constant is set when this class is first loaded."
> Proposal 2b:
> Add SystemUtils.getJavaExtDirs() and other APIs which do not cache and
> JAVA_EXT_DIRS and others use such APIs.
> Proposal 3b:
> Add constants for the property names like: JAVA_EXT_DIRS_KEY =
> "java.ext.dirs".
> ?
> Gary

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