hi mark

(sorry this is a little late.)

i don't think that there's anything in the standard digester rules that does what you want - but it'd be very easy to create a custom rule which would fit the bill.

something like:

public class JNDIRule extends Rule {
        public void begin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes)
                        throws Exception {
                String type = attributes.getValue("type");
                String key = attribute.getValue("key");

                Context ctx = new InitialContext();
                Object someObject = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/userconfig/type/key
                do some processing

- robert

On 11 Feb 2004, at 18:52, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

I have an XML config file format I'm trying to read into Configurator or Digester which is not the standard format expected (and which I cannot change), it looks like:

<Config name="user_config">
    <Variable type="option" key="DEBUG" value="1" />
    <Variable type="option" key="SQUID_DIR_SIZE" value="750" />
    <Variable type="option" key="auto" value="1" />
    <Variable type="option" key="build_all" value="0" />
    <Variable type="option" key="help" value="0" />

which I'd like to get handled as
value = user_config.<type>.<key> or value = user_config.<type>[<key>]

my ultimate goal is to plug it into the tomcat JNDI Resources as to attain something more like this in the long run:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();

Is there a quick way I can get to this format using using digester or configuration?


Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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