Martin Cooper wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark R. Diggory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 5:15 PM
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: Move Commons projects below "Project Documentation" in

Martin Cooper wrote:

It looks like this feature is pretty new to the xdoc plugin cvs and not
currently in this release candidate. I suspect it will be in the next,
otherwise I can recommend that we upgrade all our xdoc plugin tot eh
latest release.

It seems to me that this is, at least in part, why Maven has not even
reached a 1.0 release, after it's been around, and been used,

for so long.

If they're adding new features in a release candidate, I don't have much
confidence that there ever will be a 1.0 final release. ;-(

Martin Cooper

Hmm, but Maven itself hasn't changed, its the natural evolution of the plugins alone. the xdoc and site plugins are naturally going to advance in feature as more users provide input.

You can "upgrade" the plugins very easily in Maven, if anything this
flexibility makes Maven even stronger. I disagree with the comment about
a 1.0 release, the features in a specific plugin arn't going to define
or limit the release of Maven itself.

That's all very nice, but it doesn't matter to me as a regular Maven user
any more than whether it's a standard plugin or the core itself that's
broken when I have a problem with Eclipse. From my perspective, if I
download Maven and something isn't working, Maven is broken, regardless of
whether it's a plugin or the core. (For example, as far as I'm concerned,
Maven RC1 is broken because it generates incorrect Ant build files, where
prior versions worked. It doesn't matter to me if that's because of a plugin
bug, it's still broken.)

Martin Cooper


Every situation can be viewed from anywhere within a continuum of negative to positive perspectives. How often we are quick to levy blame when what is really needed is a helping hand.

I'd rather see my discussions stay on topic. This one no longer is...

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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