bayard      2004/02/18 19:44:31

  Modified:    el       project.xml
  Added:       el/xdocs index.xml navigation.xml proposal.xml
               el/xdocs/style project.css
  created basic mavenised website for el
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +10 -1     jakarta-commons/el/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/el/project.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  --- project.xml       10 Feb 2004 19:15:04 -0000      1.2
  +++ project.xml       19 Feb 2004 03:44:31 -0000      1.3
  @@ -44,7 +44,16 @@
  -      <id>jakarta-servletapi-5</id>
  +      <id>servletapi</id>
  +      <version>2.4</version>
  +    </dependency>
  +    <dependency>
  +      <id>jspapi</id>
  +      <version>2.0</version>
  +    </dependency>
  +    <dependency>
  +      <id>commons-logging</id>
  +      <version>1.0.3</version>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/el/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Commons Documentation Team</author>
  <section name="The EL Component">
  <subsection name='What Is EL?'>
      EL is the JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter from Apache.
  <subsection name='What Is The JSP 2.0 Expression Language?'>
  The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0, introduced the concept of an 
Expression Language (EL), whose main goal is to provide page authors with an easy way 
to access and manipulate application data without requiring the use of scriptlets 
  JSP 2.0 adopted the EL specification from JSTL, and expanded its scope: EL 
expressions are no longer limited to JSTL action attributes, but may be used in any 
standard or custom action attribute declared to accept a runtime expression. In 
addition, EL expressions may now also be used directly in template text outside of any 
actions. JSP 2.0 also added an important feature to the EL specification: EL 
functions, which allow page authors to invoke static methods in Java classes from EL 
expressions. Additionally, JSP 2.0 allows programmatic access and customization of the 
EL evaluator through a set of standard interfaces and abstract classes. 
  <section name="Documentation">
  <p>The <a href="";>
  Release Notes</a> document the new features and bug fixes that have been
  included in the latest release.</p>
  <p>The <a href="";>
  JavaDoc API documents</a> for the latest release are available online.  
  In particular, you should read the package overview of the 
<code>org.apache.commons.el</code> package.</p>
  <section name="Releases">
  <li>Version 1.0 (from mirror) - 20 Jun 2003
         <a href="";>binary</a>
         <a href="";>source</a> 
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/el/xdocs/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE project [
  <!ENTITY commons-nav SYSTEM "../../commons-build/incl_nav.xml">
  <project name="EL">
    <organizationLogo href="/images/jakarta-logo-blue.gif">
        <item name="Jakarta Commons"                   
      <menu name="Commons EL">
        <item name="Overview" href="/index.html"/>
        <item name="Mailing lists" href="/mail-lists.html"/>
        <item name="Team" href="/team-list.html"/>
        <item name="Tasks" href="/tasks.html"/>
        <item name="CVS" href=""/>
        <item name="Javadoc (CVS latest)" href="apidocs/index.html"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/el/xdocs/proposal.xml
  Index: proposal.xml
  <title>Proposal for JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter Package</title>
  <section name="Proposal for JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter Package">
  <subsection name="(0) Rationale">
  <p>The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0, introduced the
  concept of an Expression Language (EL), whose main goal is to provide
  page authors with an easy way to access and manipulate application
  data without requiring the use of scriptlets </p>
  <p>JSP 2.0 adopted the EL specification from JSTL, and expanded its
  scope: EL expressions are no longer limited to JSTL action attributes,
  but may be used in any standard or custom action attribute declared to
  accept a runtime expression. In addition, EL expressions may now also
  be used directly in template text outside of any actions. JSP 2.0 also
  added an important feature to the EL specification: EL functions,
  which allow page authors to invoke static methods in Java classes from
  EL expressions. Additionally, JSP 2.0 allows programmatic access and
  customization of the EL evaluator through a set of standard interfaces
  and abstract classes. </p>
  <p>Currently, there are a number of projects (including Tomcat 5 and Java
  Server Faces) that leverage the EL implementation of the Standard
  Taglib. In addition, there seems to be interest in leveraging the EL
  in the context of scripting workflow activities using custom tag
  libraries. </p>
  <p>In order to make the EL implementation available to Tomcat 5, the
  Tomcat team defined a new "ant" target for the Standard Taglib that
  builds just the EL portion and packages it in a JAR file
  (&quot;jsp20el.jar&quot;) which is stored in Tomcat's common/lib
  directory. This approach has always been considered an interim
  solution only, until the EL implementation would move from the
  Standard Taglib to a more visible location such as jakarta-commons. </p>
  <subsection name="(1) Scope of the package">
  The package shall provide an implementation of the Expression Language
  specification which is part of the JSP 2.0 standard.
  <subsection name="(1.5) Interaction with other packages">
  The package shall provide an implementation of the standard interfaces
  and abstract classes of the javax.servlet.jsp.el package, which is
  defined in the JSP 2.0 specification.
  <subsection name="(2) Identify the initial source for the package">
  The initial codebase will be taken from the Standard Taglib project
  hosted at jakarta-taglibs. The source of the Standard Taglib is
  available as part of the <a 
nightly source distribution</a>.
  <subsection name="(2.1) Identify the base name for the package">
  The base name of the package shall be org.apache.commons.el
  <subsection name="(2.2) Identify the coding conventions for this package">
  The package follows <a 
href="";>Sun's Java coding 
  <subsection name="(3) Identify any Jakarta-Commons resources to be created">
  <subsection name="(3.1) Mailing list">
  The package shall use the jakarta-commons mailing list.
  <subsection name="(3.2) CVS repositories">
  The package shall use a root branch of the jakarta-commons CVS.
  <subsection name="(3.3) Bugzilla">
  The package shall be listed as the "EL" component under the "Commons"
  project in Bugzilla.
  <subsection name="(3.4) Jyve FAQ (when available)">
  <subsection name="(4) Initial Committers">
    <li>Shawn Bayern</li>
    <li>Nathan Abramson</li>
    <li>Pierre Delisle</li>
    <li>Hans Bergsten</li>
    <li>Justyna Horwat</li>
    <li>Craig R. McClanahan</li>
    <li>Jan Luehe</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/el/xdocs/style/project.css
  Index: project.css
  #banner, #banner td { 
   background: #fff;
   color: #000;
  #banner td { 
   height: 100%;
   vertical-align: middle;

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