Alex Karasulu wrote:

I've been working on the idea of stateful Decoders designed for use with non-blocking reads where buffers are read from channels and used by decoders. As you know you don't always get the complete PDU in a single channel read and so buffers need to be handled in a decoding session.

This JIRA issue contains attachments explaining the new interface:

First I would like to figure out what the codec people think about this
stateful decoder concept and then perhaps we can add the interfaces into the
codec for general use.

Well reasoned issue discussion - especially with regards to memory footprint, scalability. I think StatefulDecoder would be a welcome addition to Commons Codec - subpackage "stateful"?

Requesting your permission to use the discussion in JIRA as documentation? This is a good opportunity to provide an interface and a pointer to well conceived implementation within the ASF.

Also I'm wondering if we can make the DecoderException and the
EncoderException extend the IOException reather than just Exception.
Most of these operations are IO based and it makes sense to me to have the
Exception derive from IOException.

Already chimed in, I'm +1 on this.

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