Well I have some interesting numbers, to say the least.

Saying that comparing CharSet to CharUtils make CharSet look bad is an
understatement. Obviously there is room for improvement there. 

What is more interesting albeit tangential, is the performace
improvement from Sun 1.3.1_10 to 1.4.2_04, and even more dramatic within
1.4.2_04, between the client and server VMs. 

I've saved the CharUtilsPerfTest class in CVS for those of you who'd
care to track this issue.

Now: Thu Mar 18 14:29:48 PST 2004
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.1_10-b03
Windows XP 5.1 x86 pentium i486 i386
Do nohting: 0 milliseconds.
run_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 4,545 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 3,417 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 85,679 milliseconds.

Now: Thu Mar 18 14:24:51 PST 2004
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.4.2_04-b05
Windows XP 5.1 x86 pentium i486 i386
Do nohting: 0 milliseconds.
run_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 2,578 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 2,477 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 114,429 milliseconds.

Now: Thu Mar 18 14:27:55 PST 2004
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.4.2_04-b05
Windows XP 5.1 x86 pentium i486 i386
Do nohting: 0 milliseconds.
run_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 630 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 709 milliseconds.
run_inlined_CharUtils_isAsciiNumeric: 84,420 milliseconds.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Gregory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 14:04
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: RE: [lang] CharUtils.isAscii methods and CharSet, two issues
> I'll write up a little test over the weekend if not sooner.
> > There are lots of good changes that don't add any functional
> improvement
> > at the machine level, but a more OO solution may very well improve
> > things at the maintenance and class heirarchy level.
> This is what I am striving for.
> Gary
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: matthew.hawthorne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 13:56
> > To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> > Subject: Re: [lang] CharUtils.isAscii methods and CharSet, two
> >
> > Todd V. Jonker wrote:
> > > As is stands, isAsciiAlphaUpper follows
> > > DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork but (perhaps) breaks
> > > OnceAndOnlyOnce.
> > >
> > > Still, I think the existing code is better.  Such things tend to
> > > called inside tight inner loops, and as such every bytecode
> > Your
> > > suggested rewrite adds no functional improvement while increasing
> the
> > > execution time manyfold.  I strongly suggest leaving it as-is.
> >
> >
> > I think that running some performance tests would provide the best
> > insight into possible effects on execution time.  Gary, maybe you
> could
> > write a small test to see if this change truly would cause a
> performance
> > problem?
> >
> > There are lots of good changes that don't add any functional
> improvement
> > at the machine level, but a more OO solution may very well improve
> > things at the maintenance and class heirarchy level.
> >
> >
> >
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