A few days ago Benjamin had mainly the complain about the current service handling, that problems in the service construction may arise very late during runtime. While we discussed very lenghty why this is so in Hivemind I somehow share his whishes that it should be possible to get an exception either at Registry build time or at first access for at least special marked services.

Maybe it could help if the Registry had a method getLoadedService() this method would instruct (via the ServiceExtensionPoint) the Model to load a deffered Proxy. An alternative would be to add to the services a mixin-interface which has a load() method and would just load the proxy.

To enable checking at Registry build time service-implementations could be marked to be loaded at start-up. This could happen with an extra attribute 'load-at-startup'. Again an alternative would be to have start-levels (OSGi like). This would also help to start timers etc.

Christian Essl

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