On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, John Casey wrote:

> I asked a question a couple of days ago regarding unit tests (or the
> lack thereof) in commons-EL. I have received no response, which I could
> understand if it just got lost among the other EL-related traffic. But I
> have yet to see even one more email related to EL, and I'm just
> wondering: is EL defunct? Who is managing this project?

As far as I am aware, there are no unit tests. As for the "entry point",
which you referred to in your earlier message, you'll find that very well
documented in Part II of the JSP 2.0 spec. Commons-EL is, after all, an
implementation of that API, as noted on the home page.

There isn't a lot of activity on this component at the moment, as you have
noticed. Projects at Apache don't have managers per se, just contributors,
and I think it would be safe to say the the EL contributors right now are
busy with other stuff. ;-) That said, your previous message was just
yesterday, and not everyone checks these lists every day. Patience is a
virtue. ;-)

Martin Cooper
(who is not a Commons EL contributor.)

> Thanks in advance,
> john

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