Dear Digester-Gurus...

While trying really much to resolve the possible responsability of a buggy dom4j in errors to resolve entities in maven project parsing, I finally realize that Digester may be the reason.

We start with a guess: Digester.parse(File) is weird (around lines 1527...): it doesn't store, at all, the reference to the file but still offers himself as EntityResolver. How can it resolve an entity if it doesn't know the path ??

The pathology appears very while building taglibs of jelly: the project.xml of each taglibs, extends ../taglib-project.xml which itself should reference, by means of DTD-internal-subset ../commonDeps.ent.
As this is buggy, the current jelly CVS contains a copy of commonDeps.ent.

Digging into the source, I realize that the place where it leaves the maven sources is in MavenUtils line 190 (at the beginning of getNonJellyProject(). Inserting something the code below right before the call to getProjectBeanReader().parse() proved me that the whole logic of relative URLs runs fine... (even the stream opens)...

                URL u = new URL("file://" + projectDescriptor.getAbsolutePath());
                System.out.println("Will parse project: " + u);
                if (projectDescriptor.getName().equals("tag-project.xml")) {
                        URL u2 = new URL(u,"../commonDependencies.ent");
                        System.out.println("CommonDeps should be at " + u2);
                        System.out.println("Stream: " + u2.openStream());

Can someone at least comment on my guess about the inappropriate construction of the entity-resolver ? I think one needs to create a new one for every new URL handed-out to the digester, or ?


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