Noel J. Bergman wrote: [comments on stuff about JAM by Patrick Calahan]

For those on the CC list: JAM is a metadata library combining features of the reflection API, JSR 175, commons-attributes, JClass and some other projects:

that Patrick just introduced on [EMAIL PROTECTED] First impression: good stuff! Seems like a much better implementation of something I thought about here:

it would be so cool if you (Patrick) and Leo Sutic (the guy who wrote the current commons-sandbox-attributes) could get together and merge these two codebases (commons-attributes has some strengths that jam seems to lack, like being smaller and having what seems like a cleaner and easier runtime API, and vice versa the same is true of course) into a new de facto standard.

Though I can't commit time to help coding right now, I'll volunteer to otherwise help you out with a quick progression through whatever process into whatever final destination. As to destination, jakarta-commons seems a natural choice to me. As to process, if jakarta-commons wants the code, you have a CLA on file, and the code was developed completely within an ASF repo @ xmlbeans, I don't think we need to have this go through incubation. It would just be up to jakarta-commons to accept it. The package name then would probably become org.apache.commons.meta or something like that.

Please direct replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and drop the CC list.


- Leo Simons

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