My env is eclipse on win2000.

Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:

Very good points, warrants for some serious consideration. CVS support in eclipse, especially in 3.0, is awesome. I don't know how big of a deal it is administer CVS as compared to Subversion. I guess it is a tradeoff. How often are we going to be using the unique administration features in Subversion as compared to the day-to-day usage features available in the CVS plugin. My vote would be for the one that is easier to use for the regular activities ;)


Achim wrote:

I agree, as long as it is not a pain to use the eclipse plugin I +1.


Howard M. Lewis Ship wrote:

In my opinion the subclipse plugin is not as good as the (excellent) cvs
plugin. I'm missing the 'synchronize' function and it's available for windows only.
Unfortunately the latest subversion release (1.0) is still unsupported.

Achim Huegen

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