John Keyes wrote:

On 26 Mar 2004, at 17:28, Rob Oxspring wrote:

Moving to list for general info and to get any feedback from John.

Thanks for checking. Regarding v2 (all IMHO):

2.0 release plan?
Several times now we've said "in a month" or "in a couple of months". Personally I think I'm out of new features for now so I reckon it's time to put a stake in the ground and get the docs up to speed. Depending on John's todo list (and calendar) I'm tempted to propose cutting a beta in a week or so with a view to releasing 2.0 by end of April.

I've no features to add.

Cool - I started working on a cli1 converter class to ease the transition. The interface is something like the following from memory (in the v1 package):

  o.a.c.cli2.Option option(o.a.c.cli.Option);
  o.a.c.cli2.Group group(o.a.c.cli.Options);
  o.a.c.cli2.Group group(o.a.c.cli.OptionGroup);

> Just want to increase the code coverage and
get some docs together for it.

Well going by the results of 'maven jcoverage:html-report' we're doing pretty well. Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to get it to work at work so I can't quote figures but IIRC the .defaults package had by far the lowest score at >65% and I think we need to drop that in favour of .commandline anyway.

> Rob, you had some doc on your site when
you posted about v2 originally (I think). Do you still have these? We should get them into CVS. A beta by the end of April sound good.

Yeah - the docs should still be about somewhere I'll see what I can do to get them in and uptodate. I was hoping that would be in an off the shelf state so that we could chuck in some diagrams that are easy to update but we might have to check in the generated pngs for now.


-John K

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