Hi folks!

I have some implementation of distinct projects on Avalon-sandbox that I
think doesn't belong to Avalon. Avalon is doing some house cleaning at this
moment, so maybe its the best time to move this projects elsewhere.

Castle MX (we can change its name)

Basically it is a JMX-like implementation for .Net (read as .Net and Mono)



.Net proxies are very different from Java proxies. First, when one needs a
proxyable type in .Net he must extends MarshalByRefObject or
ContextBoundObject (which carries another semantic). After some talk with
CGLib guys trying to convince them to implementing something like Java
proxies for .Net I decided to do it by myself. It uses Reflection.Emit to
generate IL code directly, what guarantee a good performance - its
equivalent to use BCEL to generate Java proxies.


I know thats maybe the first time ASF releases .Net code/binaries. But
Avalon (with Castle container) and Logging (with Log4net) are about to
deliver such projects.



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