dgraham     2004/04/11 21:20:36

  Modified:    validator/xdocs tasks.xml
  Added:       validator/xdocs validator_2_0_0_proposal.dtd
  Added a proposal for the Validator 2.0 DTD so we can start talking about

  specific changes.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +1 -1      jakarta-commons/validator/xdocs/tasks.xml
  Index: tasks.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons/validator/xdocs/tasks.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.12
  retrieving revision 1.13
  diff -u -r1.12 -r1.13
  --- tasks.xml 8 Apr 2004 23:40:54 -0000       1.12
  +++ tasks.xml 12 Apr 2004 04:20:36 -0000      1.13
  @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
                        Currently, the <form-validation>, <formset>, 
<form>, and <field> elements
                        require a form-centric view of validations.  Changing these to 
<bean-validation> or <validator-config>, 
                        <beans>, <bean>, and <property> respectively 
would allow Validator to be used more easily in
  -                     non-form based environments.
  +                     non-form based environments. See the 2.0 DTD <a 
href="validator_2_0_0_proposal.dtd">proposal</a> for specifics.
                    The above changes to validation.xml could only apply to 
Validator's native configuration format.  We
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/validator/xdocs/validator_2_0_0_proposal.dtd
  Index: validator_2_0_0_proposal.dtd
      Proposed DTD for the Validator Rules Configuration File, Version 2.0.0
      To allow for XML validation of your rules configuration
      file, include the following DOCTYPE element at the beginning (after
      the "xml" declaration):
      <!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
       "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 
      $Id: validator_2_0_0_proposal.dtd,v 1.1 2004/04/12 04:20:36 dgraham Exp $
  This is a proposal for what Validator's 2.0 XML configuration file will
  look like.  Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.  The goal is 
  to simplify the configuration as much as possible and use bean semantics rather
  than HTML form terminology.  Some changes include:
  - The following elements were renamed (old name == new name):
  form-validation == validator-config
  formset == bean-set
  form == bean
  field == property
  javascript == script
  - The global element has been removed.  It provided no real value so "constant"
  and "validator" elements are now declared directly inside "validator-config".
  - The validator name attribute was renamed to id and is now defined as an ID
  type so that other attributes can be defined as IDREF or IDREFS.  This allows
  Digester to more strictly validate the XML and notify users of errors.
  Note that IDREFS attributes are whitespace separated rather than comma separated.
  - The old validator jsFunction and jsFunctionName attributes were moved to the
  script element as src and function-name.  This will require a new Script class
  for Digester to populate this info with.  This has a nice side effect of 
  refactoring the javascript loading code out of ValidatorAction and into Script.
  ValidatorAction will have a getScript() method to get at this object.
  - The validator element's classname and methodParams attributes were renamed to
  class and params for simplicity.
  - While JavaScript is likely to remain the primary scripting language, we can
  treat scripts more generically by leaving out all "js" references; hence the
  renaming of javascript to script.  Thick clients (ie. Swing/SWT) may want to 
  use Python, Ruby, etc. as their scripting language.
  - The msg and arg elements' name attribute was renamed to validator to make it
  clear that you're not naming the msg but specifying which validator the msg
  applies to.
       The root of the configuration file hierarchy; contains 
       nested elements for all of the other configuration settings.
  <!ELEMENT validator-config (constant*, validator*, bean-set*)>
       Defines what validator objects can be used with
       the objects referenced by the bean-set elements.
         validator         Defines a new validatior
         script            The scripting source code for client side validation.
           id              The unique name of this validation
           class           The java class name that handles server side validation
           method          The java method that handles server side validation
           params    The java class types passed to the serverside method
           msg             a generic message key to use when this validator fails.
                           It can be overridden by the 'msg' element for a specific 
           depends         The whitespace delimited list of validator ids that are 
called before this validator.
                           For this validation to succeed, all the listed validators 
must succeed.
  <!ELEMENT validator (script?)>
  <!ATTLIST validator id ID #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST validator class CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST validator method CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST validator params CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST validator msg CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST validator depends IDREFS #IMPLIED>
       The body of this element defines any scripting languages' source 
       code that can be used to perform client side validations.
       function-name  An optional function name to use instead of 
                      the validator id for the name of the
                      scripting function/object.
       src            Sets the fully qualified class path of the scripting
                      function file. Use this instead of specifying the source 
                      in the element body.
  <!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST script src CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST script function-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
       The "constant" element defines a static value that can be used as
       replacement parameters within "field" elements. The "constant-name" and
       "constant-value" elements define the constant's reference id and replacement
  <!ELEMENT constant (constant-name, constant-value)>
  <!ELEMENT constant-name  (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT constant-value (#PCDATA)>
        Defines a set of beans for a locale. Beans for
        specific locales can override only those properties that change. The
        localization is properly scoped, so that you can override just the
        language, or just the country, or both.
  <!ELEMENT bean-set (constant*, bean+)>
  <!ATTLIST bean-set language CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST bean-set country CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST bean-set variant CDATA #IMPLIED>
       Defines a set of bean properties to be validated. The name
       corresponds to the identifier the application assigns to the bean. 
  <!ELEMENT bean (property+)>
  <!ATTLIST bean extends CDATA #IMPLIED>
       Defines the properties to be validated. In a
       web application, a field would also correspond to a control on
       a HTML form. To validate the properties, the validator works through
       a JavaBean representation. The field element accepts these 
       name            The name of the bean property.
       depends         The whitespace delimited list of validator ids to 
                       apply against this field. For the field to succeed, all the
                       validators must succeed.
       page            Only fields with a "page" attribute
                       value that is equal to or less than the page property
                       on the form JavaBean are processed. This is useful when
                       using a "wizard" approach to completing a large form,
                       to ensure that a page is not skipped.
                       The method name that will
                       return an array or a Collection used to retrieve the
                       list and then loop through the list performing the
                       validations for this field.
  <!ELEMENT property (msg|arg|var)*>
  <!ATTLIST property name CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST property depends IDREFS #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST property page CDATA "0">
  <!ATTLIST property indexed-list-property CDATA #IMPLIED>
       The "msg" element defines a custom message key to use when one of the
       validators for this field fails. Each validator has a default message
       property that is used when a corresponding field msg is not specified.
       Each validator applied to a field may have its own msg element.
       The msg element accepts these attributes.
        validator   The id of the validator corresponding to this msg.
        bundle      The resource bundle name that the key should be resolved in.
        key         The key that will return the message template from a
                    resource bundle.
        resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
                    value rather than a bundle key.
  <!ATTLIST msg validator IDREF #REQUIRED>
  <!ATTLIST msg bundle CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST msg resource (true|false) "true">
       The "arg" element defines a replacement value to use with the
       message template for this validator or this field.
       The arg element accepts these attributes.
        validator   The id of the validator corresponding to this msg.
                                  If not supplied, this argument will be used in the 
                                  position for every validator.
        bundle     The resource bundle name that the key should be resolved in.        
        key         The key that will return the message template from a
                    resource bundle.
        resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
                    value rather than a bundle key.
        position    The position of this replacement parameter in the message.
                                  For example, position="0" will set the first 
  <!ATTLIST arg bundle CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST arg validator IDREF #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST arg resource (true|false) "true">
  <!ATTLIST arg position CDATA "0">
       The "var" element can set parameters that a field may need to pass to
       one of its validators, such as the minimum and maximum values in a
       range validation. These parameters may also be referenced by one of the
       arg? elements using a shell syntax: ${var:var-name}.
  <!ELEMENT var (var-name, var-value, var-script-type?)>
       The name of the var parameter to provide to a field's validators.
  <!ELEMENT var-name  (#PCDATA)>
       The value of the var parameter to provide to a field's validators.
  <!ELEMENT var-value (#PCDATA)>
       The scripting variable type, Possible Values [int| string | regexp] 
  <!ELEMENT var-script-type (#PCDATA)>

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