burton      2004/04/22 23:11:57

  Added:       feedparser/src/java/org/apache/commons/feedparser/sax
  SAX support...
  Revision  Changes    Path
  Index: RSSFeedParser.java
   * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
  package org.apache.commons.feedparser.sax;
  import org.apache.commons.feedparser.FeedParserListener;
  import org.apache.commons.feedparser.FeedParserState;
  import org.apache.commons.feedparser.FeedParserException;
  import org.apache.commons.feedparser.FeedVersion;
  import org.apache.commons.feedparser.MetaFeedParserListener;
  import java.io.*;
  import java.net.*;
  import java.util.*;
  import org.xml.sax.*;
  import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
  /** *
   * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin A. Burton (burtonator)</a>
   * @version $Id: RSSFeedParser.java,v 1.1 2004/04/23 06:11:57 burton Exp $
  public class RSSFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public FeedParserListener listener = null;
      boolean onItem = false;
      HashMap properties = new HashMap();
      FeedParserState state = new FeedParserState();
      static HashSet RSS_NAMESPACES = new HashSet();
      static HashSet RDF_NAMESPACES = new HashSet();
      static HashSet MOD_CONTENT_NAMESPACES = new HashSet();
      static {
          RSS_NAMESPACES.add( "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"; );
          RDF_NAMESPACES.add( "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; );
          MOD_CONTENT_NAMESPACES.add( "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"; );
       * Create a new <code>RSSFeedParser</code> instance.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public RSSFeedParser() {
          super( "FIXME" );
          this.parser = this;
          setNext( new ChannelTemplate( this ) );
      public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
          try { 
              FeedVersion v = new FeedVersion();
              v.isRSS = true;
              listener.onFeedVersion( v );
          } catch ( FeedParserException f ) {
              throw new SAXException( f );
      public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
          try { 
          } catch ( FeedParserException f ) {
              throw new SAXException( f );
       * Match rss:channel
      class ChannelTemplate extends BaseDefaultHandler {
          public ChannelTemplate( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
              super( "channel", parser.RSS_NAMESPACES, parser );
              setNext( new URLTemplate( parser ) );
          public void beginFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
              parser.listener.onChannel( parser.state,
                                         getProperty( "title" ),
                                         getProperty( "link" ),
                                         getProperty( "description" ) );
          public void endFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
       * Match rss:url for images/etc
      class URLTemplate extends BaseDefaultHandler {
          public URLTemplate( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
              super( "url", parser.RSS_NAMESPACES, parser );
              setNext( new ModContentTemplate( parser ) );
              //this.setNext( new RDFValueTemplate( parser ) );
       * Match the rdf:value for mod_content
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      class ModContentTemplate extends BaseDefaultHandler {
          public ModContentTemplate( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
              super( "items", parser.MOD_CONTENT_NAMESPACES, parser );
              this.setNext( new RDFValueTemplate( parser ) );
       * Match the rdf:value for mod_content
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      class RDFValueTemplate extends BaseDefaultHandler {
          public RDFValueTemplate( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
              super( "value", parser.RDF_NAMESPACES, parser );
              this.setIncludeContent( true );
              this.setNext( new RSSImageFeedParser( parser ) );
          public void endFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
              System.out.println( " FIXME: (debug): " + getProperty( "value" ) );
  class RSSImageFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public RSSImageFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "image", parser.RSS_NAMESPACES, parser );
          setNext( new RSSItemFeedParser( parser ) );
      public void beginFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
          parser.listener.onImage( parser.state,
                                   getProperty( "title" ),
                                   getProperty( "link" ),
                                   getProperty( "url" ) );
      public void endFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
  class RSSItemFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public RSSItemFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "item", parser );
          this.namespaces = parser.RSS_NAMESPACES;
          setNext( new RSSTitleFeedParser( parser ) );
      public void beginFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
          parser.listener.onItem( parser.state,
                                  getProperty( "title" ),
                                  getProperty( "link" ),
                                  getProperty( "description" ),
                                  null );
      public void endFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {
  class RSSTitleFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public RSSTitleFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "title", parser );
          setNext( new RSSLinkFeedParser( parser ) );
  class RSSLinkFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public RSSLinkFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "link", parser );
          setNext( new RSSDescriptionFeedParser( parser ) );
  class RSSDescriptionFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      public RSSDescriptionFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "description", parser );
   * dc:subject support
  class RSSDcSubjectFeedParser extends BaseDefaultHandler {
      //MetaFeedParserListener metadataListener= null;
      public RSSDcSubjectFeedParser( RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          super( "subject", parser );
      public void beginFeedElement() {
          //only if it's dc:subject
          //listener.onSubject( parser.state, parser.getProperty( "subject" ) );
      public void endFeedElement() {
  class BaseDefaultHandler extends DefaultHandler {
      public static int STRING_BUFFER_CAPACITY = 100000;
      //BUG: this will break on nested code:
      //     <foo>
      //         <foo>
      //         </foo>
      //     </foo>
      // won't be smart enough to realize it's nested
       * The local name of the element
      private String local = null;
      //FIXME: move to a FastStringBuffer that's not synchronized.
      private StringBuffer buff = null;
      private boolean onElement = false;
      private boolean includeContent = false;
      BaseDefaultHandler next = null;
      FeedParserListener listener = null;
      RSSFeedParser parser = null;
      static HashMap nsPrefixMapping = new HashMap();
       * Store a hashset of namespaces that the given URL supports.
      HashSet namespaces = null;
      public BaseDefaultHandler( String local ) {
          this.local = local;
      public BaseDefaultHandler( String local, RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          this.local = local;
          this.parser = parser;
      public BaseDefaultHandler( String local,
                                 HashSet namespaces,
                                 RSSFeedParser parser ) {
          this.local = local;
          this.namespaces = namespaces;
          this.parser = parser;
       * If true we include the RAW XML content from the parser.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public void setIncludeContent( boolean includeContent ) {
          this.includeContent = includeContent;
       * Set the next template to process in this chain.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public void setNext( BaseDefaultHandler next ) {
          this.next = next;
       * Return the value of character data forfor the element.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public String toString() {
          if ( buff == null )
              return null;
          if ( buff.length() == 0 )
              return null;
          return buff.toString();
       * Return true if the namespace is valid and this class is handling the
       * given element name
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      boolean isLocal( String namespace, String local ) {
          //wee if we need to test forfor namespaces
          if ( namespace != null && namespaces != null && ! namespaces.contains( 
namespace ) )
              return false;
          return this.local.equals( local );
       * Get the value of a string property we found whilewhile parsing
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public String getProperty( String name ) {
          return (String)parser.properties.get( name );
      public boolean getBoolean( String name ) {
          return "true".equals( getProperty( name ) );
       * Method to call when we're finished processing this element but BEFORE
       * processing of the next element in the chain.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public void beginFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {}
       * Method to call when we're finished processing this element but AFTER
       * processing of the next element in the chain.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public void endFeedElement() throws FeedParserException {}
      private boolean includeContentPrefix( String namespace ) {
          if ( namespace != null ) {
              String prefix = (String)nsPrefixMapping.get( namespace );
              if ( prefix != null ) {
                  buff.append( prefix );
                  buff.append( ":" );
                  return true;
          return false;
      // **** SAX DefaultHandler **************************************************
       * Keep track of namespaces.
       * @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Kevin Burton</a>
      public void startPrefixMapping( String prefix,
                                      String namespace ) throws SAXException {
          if ( prefix != null && ! "".equals( prefix ) ) {
              //System.out.println( namespace + " -> " + prefix );
              nsPrefixMapping.put( namespace, prefix );
      //FIXME: it might be possible to call an item again without a member and the
      //value from the LAST item is used... this needs to be a fatal error and we
      //need to clear ...
      public void startElement( String namespace,
                                String local,
                                String qName,
                                Attributes attributes ) throws SAXException {
          if ( isLocal( namespace, local ) ) {
              //FIXME: is there a more efficient way to clear a buffer than this?
              //FIXME: also only do this ifif it's necessary and content has
              //actually been added.  This will save some performance.
              //buff = new StringBuffer( STRING_BUFFER_CAPACITY );
              //buff = new StringBuffer( 1000 );
              if ( buff == null ) {
                  buff = new StringBuffer( 1000 );
              } else {
                  buff.setLength( 0 );
              onElement = true;
          if ( next != null )
              next.startElement( namespace, local, qName, attributes );
          if ( includeContent && onElement ) {
              buff.append( "<" );
              boolean hasPrefix = includeContentPrefix( namespace );
              buff.append( local );
              if ( ! hasPrefix && namespace != null ) {
                  buff.append( " xmlns=\"" );
                  buff.append( namespace );
                  buff.append( "\"" );
              //now include attributes
              int length = attributes.getLength();
              for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i ) {
                  buff.append( " " );
                  buff.append( attributes.getQName( i ) );
                  buff.append( "=" );
                  buff.append( "\"" );
                  buff.append( attributes.getValue( i ) );
                  buff.append( "\"" );
              buff.append( ">" );
      public void characters( char[] ch,
                              int start,
                              int length ) throws SAXException {
          if ( onElement ) {
              buff.append( ch, start, length );
          if ( next != null )
              next.characters( ch, start, length );
      public void endElement( String namespace,
                              String local,
                              String qName ) throws SAXException {
          try { 
              if ( isLocal( namespace, local ) ) {
                  onElement = false;
                  parser.properties.put( local, toString() );
              if ( next != null )
                  next.endElement( namespace, local, qName );
              if ( isLocal( namespace, local ) )
              if ( includeContent && onElement ) {
                  buff.append( "</" );
                  includeContentPrefix( namespace );
                  buff.append( local );
                  buff.append( ">" );
          } catch ( FeedParserException fpe ) {
              throw new SAXException( fpe );

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