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Project commons-logging has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 143 projects, and has been outstanding for 2 runs.
The following are affected:
    - avalon-activation-api :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-activation-impl :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-composition-api :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-composition-impl :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-composition-spi :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-impl :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-log4j :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-logkit-api :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-logkit-datagram :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-logkit-impl :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-logkit-socket :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-logkit-syslog :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-logging-spi :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-phoenix :  The Avalon Application Server Kernel
    - avalon-repository-cli :  Avalon's main repository.
    - avalon-repository-main :  Avalon's main repository.
    - barcode4j :  Barcode4J --- for generating barcodes.
    - beepcore :  BEEP is a new Internet standards-track protocol
    - castor :  Java to XML, SQL, LDAP bindings
    - commons-attributes :  Commons Attributes
    - commons-beanutils :  Bean Utilities
    - commons-betwixt :  Commons Betwixt Package
    - commons-cli :  Commons CLI Package
    - commons-configuration :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-digester :  XML to Java Object Configuration
    - commons-discovery :  Commons Discovery Package
    - commons-el :  Expression Language
    - commons-fileupload :  Commons File Upload Package
    - commons-httpclient :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-httpclient-2.0-branch :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-id :  Commons Identifier Package
    - commons-jelly :  Commons Jelly Package
    - commons-jelly-tags-ant :  This is a Jelly interface for Ant.
    - commons-jelly-tags-antlr :  This is a Jelly interface for Antlr.
    - commons-jelly-tags-avalon :  This is a Jelly interface for avalon.
    - commons-jelly-tags-bean :  A tag library for mapping tags to beans using a 
similar appr...
    - commons-jelly-tags-beanshell :  This is a Jelly interface for BeanShell.
    - commons-jelly-tags-betwixt :  This is a Jelly interface for Betwixt.
    - commons-jelly-tags-bsf :  This is a Jelly interface for the Bean Scripting 
    - commons-jelly-tags-define :  This is a Jelly taglib for defining new tags and 
tag librari...
    - commons-jelly-tags-dynabean :  This is a Jelly taglib for defining new tags and 
tag librari...
    - commons-jelly-tags-email :  This is a Jelly interface for Email
    - commons-jelly-tags-fmt :  This is a set of Jelly i18n tags.
    - commons-jelly-tags-html :  These Jelly tags can scrub commons errors in HTML 
    - commons-jelly-tags-http :  These Jelly tags provide a simple XML syntax for 
    - commons-jelly-tags-interaction :  This is a Jelly interface to the user.
    - commons-jelly-tags-jetty :  These are Jelly tags that can set up an in-process 
web serve...
    - commons-jelly-tags-jms :  This is a Jelly interface for the Java Message Service.
    - commons-jelly-tags-jsl :  The Jelly Stylesheet Library (JSL)
    - commons-jelly-tags-junit :  The Jelly Unit Test Tags
    - commons-jelly-tags-log :  The Jelly Logging Tags
    - commons-jelly-tags-quartz :  This is a Jelly interface for the Quartz Scheduler.
    - commons-jelly-tags-soap :  This is a Jelly interface for SOAP.
    - commons-jelly-tags-sql :  This is a Jelly interface for SQL
    - commons-jelly-tags-swing :  This is a Jelly interface for configuring Swing 
    - commons-jelly-tags-swt :  This is a Jelly interface for configuring Swing 
    - commons-jelly-tags-threads :  A library for processing Jelly scripts using 
multiple thread...
    - commons-jelly-tags-util :  This is a set of Jelly utility tags.
    - commons-jelly-tags-validate :  This is a Jelly interface for XML validation.
    - commons-jelly-tags-xml :  ???
    - commons-jelly-tags-xmlunit :  This is a Jelly interface for unit testing XML 
    - commons-jexl :  Commons Jexl Package
    - commons-latka :  Functional Testing Suite
    - commons-messenger :  A web based JMS framework
    - commons-modeler :  Modeler MBeans
    - commons-resources :  Commons resources
    - commons-services :  Basic Services Architecture
    - commons-validator :  Validation Framework
    - commons-vfs :  Commons VFS
    - commons-xo :  Jakarta commons sandbox
    - depot-update :  Depot -- repository tools and more...
    - depot-update-ant-sample-httpclient :  Depot -- repository tools and more...
    - depot-update-ant-sample-jdk :  Depot -- repository tools and more...
    - depot-update-ant-sample-vfs :  Depot -- repository tools and more...
    - depot-update-test :  Depot -- repository tools and more...
    - directory-naming :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - dom4j :  The flexible XML framework for Java
    - excalibur-altrmi :  Alternative to RMI
    - excalibur-fortress-bean :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-test :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-altrmi :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-client :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-manager-altrmi :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-monitor :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-sourceresolve :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-xmlutil :  Repository of reusable components.
    - freemarker :  Templating Language
    - incubator-altrmi :  Alternative to RMI
    - incubator-geronimo :  Apache Geronimo is a an effort coordinated by the Apache 
    - invicta :  Open-source build management tool.
    - jakarta-cactus-anttasks :  Unit test framework for server-side java code
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-12 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-13 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-12 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-13 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-sample-servlet-12 :  Cactus Servlet Sample (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-jmeter :  Pure Java load testing and performance measurement tool.
    - jakarta-pluto :  JSR168 Container
    - jakarta-poi :  POI
    - jakarta-poi-3 :  POI
    - jakarta-struts :  Model 2 Model-View-Controller framework for Servlets and JSP
    - jakarta-taglibs-jmstags :  JMS Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-log :  Log Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-xtags :  XTags Taglib
    - jakarta-tomcat :  Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote_10 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-jasper_tc5 :  JavaServer Pages JSP 2.0 implementation (for Tomcat 
    - jakarta-tomcat-util :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-util-coyote_10 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-turbine-stratum :  Turbine Components
    - jaxen :  Universal Java XPath Engine
    - jaxen-test :  Universal Java XPath Engine
    - jetty :  Java HTTP Servlet Server
    - jrefactory :  A refactoring tool for the Java programming language.
    - junit-addons :  Various JUnit addons and helper classes.
    - merlin-api :  Avalon's main repository.
    - merlin-cli :  Avalon's main repository.
    - merlin-impl :  Avalon's main repository.
    - merlin-unit :  Avalon's main repository.
    - mx4j :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools-from-packaged-jetty :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - phoenix-example-pdk :  The Avalon Application Server Kernel
    - quartz :  Job Scheduler
    - struts-sslext :  The Struts SSL Extension for HTTP/HTTPS switching
    - tomcat-catalina :  Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Reference Implementation
    - werkz :  werkz: Goal-Oriented Process (GOP) Framework
    - ws-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-axis-test :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-juddi :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-juddi-test :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - ws-wsrp4j :  Open Source implementation of OASIS WSRP
    - ws-xmlrpc :  A Java implementation of XML-RPC
    - wss4j :  Web Services Security (WS-Security) Java Implemenatation
    - xjavadoc :  Enhanced Doclet engine.
    - xml-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - xml-axis-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - xml-fop :  XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) processor
    - xml-security :  XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
    - xml-xindice :  native XML database

The current state is 'Failed', for reason 'Build Failed'

Full details are available at:
That said, some snippets follow:

Gump provided these annotations:
 - Info - Enable "verbose" output, due to 1 previous error(s).
 - Info - Failed with reason build failed
 - Info - Enable "debug" output, due to build failure.

Gump performed this work:
Work Name: build_jakarta-commons_commons-logging (Type: Build)
State: Failed
Elapsed: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 7 seconds
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/data3/gump/xml-xerces2/java/build/xercesImpl.jar:/data3/gump/xml-xerces2/java/build/xml-apis.jar -verbose 
-Dgump.merge=/data3/gump/gump-install/work/merge.xml -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only dist 
[Working Directory: /data3/gump/jakarta-commons/logging]
    [javac] location: class org.apache.log4j.Logger
    [javac]         getLogger().log(FQCN, Priority.WARN, message, t );
    [javac]                  ^
 cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : method log 
    [javac] location: class org.apache.log4j.Logger
    [javac]         getLogger().log(FQCN, Priority.ERROR, message, null );
    [javac]                  ^
 cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : method log 
    [javac] location: class org.apache.log4j.Logger
    [javac]         getLogger().log(FQCN, Priority.ERROR, message, t );
    [javac]                  ^
 cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : method log 
    [javac] location: class org.apache.log4j.Logger
    [javac]         getLogger().log(FQCN, Priority.FATAL, message, null );
    [javac]                  ^
 cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol  : method log 
    [javac] location: class org.apache.log4j.Logger
    [javac]         getLogger().log(FQCN, Priority.FATAL, message, t );
    [javac]                  ^
 isEnabledFor(org.apache.log4j.Level) in org.apache.log4j.Category cannot be applied 
to (org.apache.log4j.Priority)
    [javac]         return getLogger().isEnabledFor(Priority.ERROR);
    [javac]                         ^
 isEnabledFor(org.apache.log4j.Level) in org.apache.log4j.Category cannot be applied 
to (org.apache.log4j.Priority)
    [javac]         return getLogger().isEnabledFor(Priority.FATAL);
    [javac]                         ^
 isEnabledFor(org.apache.log4j.Level) in org.apache.log4j.Category cannot be applied 
to (org.apache.log4j.Priority)
    [javac]         return getLogger().isEnabledFor(Priority.WARN);
    [javac]                         ^
    [javac] 30 errors

/data3/gump/jakarta-commons/logging/build.xml:246: Compile failed; see the compiler 
error output for details.

Total time: 6 seconds

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