> What about the option of having commons-logging 1.0.3 and earlier work
> with log4j 1.2.8 and earlier, and commons-logging 1.0.4 and later do
> whatever it feels like (since that's now possible with Ceki's recent
> changes)?

> I'm not gung ho about bending over backwards in order to not
> remove an API that's been deprecated for two years: that's the purpose
> of deprecation, to give people a warning that the deprecated item will
> be gone.

Sure, but the opportunity of a smooth transition has been lost. Deprecation
w/ an overlapping strategy (allowing both to operate) so folks can make the
transition semi-transparently & not impose Jar-Hell on users/users
environments, now that is a beautiful thing.

BTW: This isn't just C-L.
BTW: I also wish folks had updated long ago, we'd have had a much smaller
transition, be having discovered this sooner.



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