treilly     2004/05/30 23:55:15

  Added:       id/src/java/org/apache/commons/id/uuid
  Constants interface with constants used in multiple classes
  Revision  Changes    Path
   * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   * limitations under the License.
   * <p>Constant values commonly needed in the uuid classes.</p>
   * @author Commons-Id Team
   * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/05/31 06:55:15 $
  public interface Constants {
      //** Magic number constants
      /** Bits in a UUID. */
      int UUID_BIT_LENGTH = 128;
      /** Number of bytes in a UUID. */
      int UUID_BYTE_LENGTH = 16;
      //** Formatting and validation constants
      /** Chars in a UUID String. */
      /** Chars in a UUID String. */
      /** Token length of '-' separated tokens. */
      int TOKENS_IN_UUID = 5;
      /** Array to check tokenized UUID's segment lengths */
      int[] TOKEN_LENGTHS = {8, 4, 4, 4, 12};
      /** Insertion point 1 for dashes in the string format */
      int FORMAT_POSITION1 = 8;
      /** Insertion point 2 for dashes in the string format */
      int FORMAT_POSITION2 = 13;
      /** Insertion point 3 for dashes in the string format */
      int FORMAT_POSITION3 = 18;
      /** Insertion point 4 for dashes in the string format */
      int FORMAT_POSITION4 = 23;
      /** The string prefix for a urn UUID identifier. */
      String URN_PREFIX = "urn:uuid:";
      //** UUID Variant Constants
      /** UUID variant bits described in the IETF Draft MSB order,
       *  this is the "Reserved, NCS backward compatibility field" 0 x x with unknown 
bits as 0*/
      int VARIANT_NCS_COMPAT = 0;
      /** UUID variant bits described in the IETF Draft MSB order,
       *  this is the IETF Draft memo variant field 1 0 x with unknown bits as 0*/
      int VARIANT_IETF_DRAFT = 2;
      /** UUID variant bits described in the IETF Draft MSB order,
       *  this is the IETF Draft "Microsoft Corporation" field variant 1 1 0 x with 
unknown bits as 0*/
      int VARIANT_MS = (byte) 6;
      /** UUID variant bits described in the IETF Draft MSB order,
       *  this is the "Future Reserved variant 1 1 1 x with unknown bits as 0*/
      int VARIANT_FUTURE = 7;
      //** UUID Version Constants
      /** Version one constant for UUID version one of four */
      int VERSION_ONE = 1;
      /** Version two constant for UUID version two of four */
      int VERSION_TWO = 2;
      /** Version three constant for UUID version three of four */
      int VERSION_THREE = 3;
      /** Version four constant for UUID version four of four */
      int VERSION_FOUR = 4;
      //** Exception message constants
      /** Message indicating this is not a version one UUID */
      String WRONG_VAR_VER_MSG = "Not a ietf variant 2 or version 1 (time-based UUID)";
      // ** Array positions and lengths of UUID fields ** //
      /** Byte length of time low field */
      int TIME_LOW_BYTE_LEN = 4;
      /** Byte length of time low field */
      int TIME_MID_BYTE_LEN = 2;
      /** Byte length of time low field */
      int TIME_HI_BYTE_LEN = 2;
      /** Timestamp byte[] position of time low field */
      int TIME_LOW_TS_POS = 4;
      /** Timestamp byte[]  position mid field */
      int TIME_MID_TS_POS = 2;
      /** Timestamp byte[]  position hi field */
      int TIME_HI_TS_POS = 0;
      /** uuid array position start of time low field */
      int TIME_LOW_START_POS = 0;
      /** uuid array position start of mid field */
      int TIME_MID_START_POS = 4;
      /** uuid array position start of hi field */
      int TIME_HI_START_POS = 6;

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