On 1 Jun 2004, at 21:08, Inger, Matthew wrote:

The other question I have for you, is how might I go about
supporting comparison of ResultSet objects?

i'm not sure that i quite understand this question. an example would probably help me a lot...

I'm thinking I might
need to make an Iterator implementation which would wrap around
a resultset, and convert each row into a Map instance where the
key is the column name, and the value is the column value.

if it's resultset -> xml, have you considered dynabeans?

betwixt should support dynabean's reasonably well. i'm not sure how/whether the custom introspection stuff works with dynabeans so it might be necessary to extend the introspection stuff to make it work well.

This might be useful to make as a standard part of betwixt, but
that's your call.

i'm happy to accept any useful extension that doesn't cause problems with the core. the REFACTORING branch is more modular so it might be easier to implement something like this on there.

- robert

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