On 3 Jun 2004, at 14:00, Inger, Matthew wrote:

Please send me what ideas you had.. Thanks.

there's actually already a patch for derived beans (but it can't be applied without breaking some other stuff). the older reading code on CVS HEAD isn't good enough to cope with derived beans (or several other cool tricks such as array valued maps). you need to use the REFACTORING branch.

with the new stuff, there are a number of ways to approach the problem. there are two basic routes that the solution can take: either adapt the existing BeanBindAction or create a new binding action (DerivedBindAction). i'd probably go down the BeanBindAction and add the derived bean functionality there.

the crucial design decision is working out how BeanBindAction should decide on which type is to be mapped. at the moment, this is fixed at introspection time (and so is the logical type of the class). at runtime, the runtime typing is determined by the BeanCreationChain. provided that the reflection still works, then everything works ok (this is how people map EJB's with betwixt.)

but, since the type is the logical type, any properties that the runtime type has in addition to those of the logical type will be ignored. so, they don't work properly.

provided that we're not losing anything by altering the type that's bound to from the logical type to the runtime type, it should just be a case of creating a new derived bean creator to the standard BeanCreationChain and changing the BeanBindAction so that the logical type is replaced by the actual replacement type. (i've now realized that i could probably have implemented this in the time that i've taken to explain it but in the long run, it's probably the right thing to do.)

the only probably i can think of is dynamic proxy's. i don't know what the effect of introspecting a dynamic proxy would be but this could probably be handled easily as a special case.

- robert

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