I finally got some free time over the last couple of days, and I just
checked in the latest changes to the Resource project in the Sandbox.

My changes include:
 - moved the JDBCResources and HibernateResources down from contrib
 - modified both database impls to use HSQLDB
 - finished the test coverage for both

As it stands, (except for one configuration issue *see below) Resources
builds fine with Maven (I currently use RC3).

Changes were necessary to support running this against an in memory HSQLDB
and I should probably go back and refactor some of it, but I just wanted to
get it in for now.

* Configuration Issue:  Hibernate requires jta.jar and the license (I think)
does not allow Ibiblio to make that jar available so whoever runs the
nightlies (??Craig??) will need to set that up.  There is a note in
project.xml with a link to a resource that explains it in detail.

I will be creating impls for iBatis, Torque, and any other frameworks that
someone thinks up....just drop me a line.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

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