In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Noel J. Bergman" w
>Daniel, are you still interested/trying to move ORO into Commons?  What is

I'm interested in doing whatever it will take to get people using the library
or who should be using the library more involved in development.  At first
I thought that moving into Jakarta Commons might do that, then when Apache
Commons started up I thought maybe that was the right place.  Now it looks
like Jakarta Commons is the right place again, although it would be nice
not to have to change the package names.  As far as trying, the best I've
been able to do is make some noises, but I haven't taken much action under
the theory that a couple of other people would lead the charge like happened
with Commons Net.

>happening in the ORO project in terms of developers?

Several important contributions were made by some users, but the contributions
didn't keep on coming, so I've never called for a vote on granting
committership despite their having expressed interested in becoming
committers.  So despite the contents of the avail file, we're back into
a situation where I'm probably the only active committer (and I only make
contributions in widely spaced bursts).  I think the committer deficit
problem would be solved easily if some existing Apache committers who have
needs that can be satisfied with jakarta-oro can be convinced to hack the
code a little.  I've also thought that jakarta-oro and jakarta-regexp ought
to interact more and have the same committer base, but I've never started
a campaign for that.  Asking jakarta-regexp if they're interested in
implementing the regexp wrapper engine for oro might get that started.
For now though, if I can squeeze enough time out to do the couple of
simple things to meet VFS's needs, that may be enough to get more
involvement and work things out (whether oro sits where it is or
moves partially or completely into jakarta commons).


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