> <vfs-manager id="default" class="StandardFileSystemManager">
>       <vfs-option but this is to specify and implement later ../>
> </vfs-manager>
> <vfs-manager id="special" class="MyHyperVFSFileSystemManager" />
> <vfs-copy manager="default" toDir="path">
>       <vfs-fileset dir="path">
>               <include name="*.b?t"/>
>       </vfs-fileset>
> </vfs-copy>
> <vfs-copy manager="special" toDir="path">
>       <vfs-fileset dir="pathXX">
>               <include name="*.b?t"/>
>       </vfs-fileset>
> </vfs-copy>

Yes, looks very good.
<vfs-manager> is here a data-type that sets a reference
to itself to project project.addReference(String name, Object value);
Then when vfs-copy sees manager attribute it asks an object from
project that is registered with the given refid.
And expects it to be vfs-manager datatype.

The same task can also accept that type nested inside, in which
case the type definition is local to the task.

- rami

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