> > Just one question: How is it possible to support at the same time
> > variables in ant-style and the syntax to access properties
> Properties will get precedence.


> > How do I make the difference between a variable named x.y and a
> > variable x with a getter getY() ??
> There is none. The property will win.

ok it's logic.

> > I had a problem with this in Maven plugins. I had a bug because I used
> > a dotted variable name. Is there a difference between variables names
> > and properties names ?
> No....
> The problem you had was with the empty function and dotted variables.
> This has very recently been fixed in JEXL, and not yet incorporated
> into Jelly. Once JEXL is released, and Jelly picks up that, your
> original code will work as you expected.

I understand. thanks for the explanation.


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