Hello all,

I just started using DBCP and am pretty happy with it, but I've come across something 
that seems a bit strange to me. When a
connection received from the DBCP pool has close() called upon it two times, on the 
second call, it will throw an SQL exception such

java.sql.SQLException: Connection is closed.
at... (my code from here on)

After browsing the docs/archives, this seems to be intended as a feature (or at a fix 
to a previous bug,
http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=22079 ) and I can understand that, 
as it's generally indicative
of poor logic to close a connection twice. This is, however, directly in contradiction 
of the interface java.sql.Connection, which
states in the javadocs of the close() method:

"Calling the method close on a Connection object that is already closed is a no-op."

Functionally, what this means is that when a developer has an existing codebase where 
connections are double-closed (bad, yes, but
within the interface definition), he can switch to the DBCP pooling system from 
another system and end up having exceptions thrown
from double-closing Connections (as I did). 

My question is, is this a conscious decision on the part of the developers to break 
away from that point in the interface
definition? Or is it just something that was overlooked in the interests of writing 
better code? 

My hunch is that I should write this up as a bug in Bugzilla, but I wanted to get the 
opinions of the developers.

Austin Mills
SensorLogic | M2M made easy.
972-934-7375 x2107
972-934-7376 (fax)

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