I won't repeat my previous comments re: JUnitPerf,
but they apply here too.  Just looked at the bench
case stuff, looks decent, better for fast tests of
small code fragments.  Whether it is appropriate
or not depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you want to be able to record measurements
(e.g. in some historical performance file) and
compare against that, the approach is fine.

What I'm a bit more concerned about right now
is to, at more-or-less-the-same-time, compare 
the timings of two pieces of code in the same
environment.  I'd like the test to know if
I've achieved an improvement or not.

On the issue of platform-specific differences,
I agree, that is tough.  The problem with
posting numbers is that systems vary so much
its hard to draw conclusions.  If somebody
claimed to have similar hardware and O/S to
you, if their numbers are the same, higher,
or lower than yours, what does it tell you?
Unfortunately, the data is from an experiment
that is too uncontrolled to help a developer
decide if a proposed code change is likely
to be faster across multiple platforms.

If you are inclined to muse in the direction
of random unpractical thoughts, you could
envision a small reference set of Java code
fragments.  Measure Digester performance in
terms of the reference set.  That performance
number should be platform dependent, while
the actual results on any given platform would 
be finally determined by the raw performance of 
the reference set.  That is essentially the
technique used in a variety of numerical
modeling, estimation, or optimization approaches.

Definitely pie-in-the-sky category solution.
Maybe put it on the Wiki for, oh, Digester 27.0.


--- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The approach used in
> o.a.c.beanutils.BeanUtilsBenchCase -- creating a 
> separate "microbenchmarks" test case with timing
> included -- could 
> probably also be applied to [digester] and other
> commons components.

> I have no clue how one would go about eliminating
> platform-specific 
> differences.

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