I've recently discovered the package "Commons Pool" and I've played with GenericObjectPool. I'm attracted by all the options you can set to customize the behavior of the pool but after a while I started to ask myself. "Am I choosing sensible settings? Should I do this or should I do that?"

Of course the answer depends of the usage pattern of the pool, and this is something that might change over time. Conclusion: I will probably never know what's the useage patern of a pool and I don't want to guess it.

To solve this problem, in my opinion, the pool should be self tunning. Just like the Evictor thread (which is just a trigger), another thread would wakeup at regular intervals and gather statistical data and analyse it. As a result action would be taken (like changing the values of the pool settings) to adapt the pool to the usage pattern.

How you you go about monitoring the usage pattern of a pool?
The only ideas I have right now is using a moving average of the active connections and may be remembering this average throught the day so that the pool that anticipate usage. Imagine an automatic process that uses the pool once a day at 1:00 and borrows 1000 objects from the pool in a few seconds: The pool could anticipate this regular usage and create more objects in the pool.

I'm not very good at statistics and I hope that some of you are and could explain how statistics could help in this task.

This self tuning thing could be a more general problem and find other applications in other pagakges.

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