great - thanks!

Dion Gillard wrote:

How long?

It depends. At least a few days usually until someone gets to it, and
that's if it's all fine and dandy.

Will check it out as soon as I can.

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 05:13:04 -0700, Ben Anderson

It turns out I'm blocked from getting to jira here at work, so I guess I have to
post this patch here.  This concerns jelly-150 in jira.  I had attempted to fix
the LoopTagStatus feature (which is described in the jira entry), but was
unsuccesful.  I played with it a little more, and it seems to be working fine
now.  I was using an anonymous inner class which extended Object.  I changed it
so that  the anon. inner class now implements LoopTagStatus.  This is an
interface which needed to be added to the project.  I actually just took it out
of the standard taglibs project.  This is fine, right?  I made the test a
little more robust as well, which ended up catching a bug.  The "end" attribute
should be inclusive, but it was being exclusive.  Anyways, I don't think I can
inline the patch in this email, because I'm using web-email.  And I don't think
attachments make it through list, do they?  I'll put the patch here:
I'll also post it to jira when I get home.  So, I'm just curious - how long does
it usually take to be included?

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