On Mon, 04 Oct 2004 22:03:36 -0500, Vic Cekvenich
> I just found modeler (too late a night for me) jars.
> I guess convert is not ready for prime time (or I can find it).
> .V

The [convert] developers have not provided an Ant-compatible build.xml
file, so I can't add it to my infrastructure for nightly builds of
Jakarta Commons and sandbox packages.  If they were to add and
maintain such a script (easily generated by calling "maven ant" and
then checking it in), I'd be happy to add this package to this list.


> Vic Cekvenich wrote:
> > (I conitnualy find high value dimonds in commons.)
> >
> > Most commons and sandbox has a build.
> >
> > Modeler (JMX) and convert do not have a build that I can find.
> > Yes I can build it from cvs but... it be nice to have builds in the
> > releases so people can just get the jar.
> >
> > tia,
> > .V
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