I don't think they should be split. If it is a library for helping the input/output of XML why separate these into separate projects. Lets not get carried away with small functional libraries. There should be a limit to the size, purpose. I mean there has to come a point where the overhead of a new subproject isn't worth the benefit of the logical separation of otherwise related classes.

If the library is
1) not a parser
2) not an XML marshaller
3) not an xml ingester (like digester)
4) not a bean serializer

but rather a utility for inputing and outputting XML documents (augmenting SAX with callbacks).

Then it needs a name that reflects that. I believe the only name I've heard so far that doesn't make me think of one of the above is "xmlutil", but then again that will open up the project to be the home of other xml utility classes beyond input and output. Is this a goal of the project? Perhaps it should be.

I suggest taking the name "xmlutil" and growing this to an XML utility library - in the same family as beanutil, collection, lang, etc. Input and output of XML documents is just one utility that can be offered.

- Mike

Gary Gregory wrote:

[xml-in] and [xml-out]



-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Colebourne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 04:20
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [xmlio] Naming

Please see the commons charter on naming. Paraphrasing it says that


should be boring and functional, not clever". jazz is clever ;-( The
reasoning is to remove one more barrier to adopting the component.


that not every commons component follows the rule, betwixt being a



maybe [sax] for input? (commons-sax)
or [fromsax] - (commons-fromsax)
maybe [toxml] for output? (commons-toxml)
or [tosax]? (commons-tosax)

It depends on whether you want to scope/limit yourself to just sax.

Should you split? It depends on whether people who use one half are


to use the other really.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Florey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After doing the xmlio google thing I agree that this name is really



so many projects that it would be worth to find another one even if



As 'xmlio' consists of two parts (importer / exporter) I would


separating them into two tiny components in order to increase


My favourite name for the importer (sax augmentation) would be



you need a sax to play jazz... (Or is it 'just augmented super


The exporter could be simply called XMLWriter as this is what it


Finally I'd like to say that I don't think Digester and xmlio are


competitors as they are very different: xmlio is a simple sax



has nothing to do with mapping xml to java objects.
So I don't think we get trouble here.


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